
How To Scare Insurance Adjusters

How To Scare Insurance Adjusters
How To Scare Insurance Adjusters

Insurance companies are hell-bent on staying profitable regardless of the situation and you as a client must know how to scare insurance adjusters if you must beat the system.


Many stories abound of policyholders who were unable to or barely collected compensation from insurance companies after an accident because they were assigned an adjuster who went all out to protect the profiting interest of the insurance company.

To ensure that you don’t fall into the same dilemma as an insurance policyholder, I will be walking you through some of the legally guided and proven steps that will make sure that you scare away insurance adjusters.

Understanding Insurance Adjusters

After an accident occurs, Insurance companies will send an insurance adjuster who is tasked with the responsibility of inspecting and evaluating the degree of damage incurred or established after an accident. It is no longer news that insurance companies do not prioritize your best interests when it comes to their profit, hence the reason why they will look at the damage to see how they can minimize costs on their end. The goal is to try and offer the lowest payout possible.

You might be surprised by the insurance claims adjuster’s attempts to use the accident against you or even charge you with insurance fraud when you first meet with them. The following are some typical strategies used to assess the full extent of your injury (while still making money):

  1. Requesting Your Medical Records: Medical treatment release forms frequently provide adjusters with access to your past and current medical records and this is why you do not have to grant insurance adjusters access to your medical records. Especially on the grounds that these records contain information that has nothing to do with your personal injury claim and any information can become a leverage to further tackle you. If you grant them this access, they may try to turn the tides against you and blame your current injury on a completely unrelated pre-existing injury or condition.
  2. Working With Doctors: Insurance adjusters may occasionally corner your doctor for an interview and ask them closed-ended questions. Your problem must be thoroughly discussed by your doctor. By doing this, you can prevent accidentally exaggerating your injuries. An independent medical check may also be carried out by insurance firms. They can choose the doctor they work with for this. Consult your personal injury lawyer first if your insurance company requires this.
  3. Field Interviews: Adjusters will ask close-ended questions early on in your personal injury case. These questions are designed in such a way that does not allow you to elaborate on the matter which helps them declare your story is flawed. This in itself automatically lowers your insurance claim.
  4. Delay strategies: An adjuster frequently employs delay strategies, such as not returning your calls. They aim to discourage you by doing this. They can also make the excuse that you took too long. This is an attempt to frighten you into believing that the statute of limitations has passed. For car accidents, Florida has a four-year statute of limitations. The easiest approach to combat them if they are avoiding touch is to retain legal counsel.

How to Scare Insurance Adjusters

While I understand that you may be frustrated when dealing with insurance adjusters, it is neither advisable nor ethical to intentionally try to scare or intimidate them. Building a positive and respectful relationship with an insurance adjuster is generally more productive and can help facilitate the resolution of your claim. Here are some tips for effectively interacting with an insurance adjuster:


Remain calm and composed

When interacting with an insurance adjuster, losing your temper or acting aggressively is not a good look and will not help your case. Rather choose to stay calm and coordinated as you approach the conversation with a professional demeanor. Keep in mind that the adjuster is often tasked with assessing the situation objectively and determining the appropriate coverage based on the policy terms. By staying calm, you can have a more productive conversation and work towards a resolution.

Gather Relevant Evidence

Relevant evidence will go a long way in supporting your claim, it is important to ensure that you gather all relevant evidence that will strengthen your position. This may include photographs, videos, witness statements, police reports, medical records, or any other documentation related to the incident. The more evidence you have in your possession, the stronger your case becomes. Presenting this evidence to the adjuster in a clear and organized manner can help them understand the extent of the damages or injuries you have incurred.

Understand Your Policy

Take the time to thoroughly review your insurance policy and familiarize yourself with its terms and conditions. Understanding your policy will give you a better idea of your rights, coverage limits, deductibles, and any applicable exclusions. This knowledge will help you communicate effectively with the adjuster and ensure that you are aware of the coverage you are entitled to.

Be Prepared and Organized

Ensure that you are prepared and organized before meeting with the adjuster, this entails gathering all relevant documents and information related to your claim. This includes your insurance policy, incident reports, medical records, bills, and receipts. Being prepared and organized will allow you to provide accurate and detailed information to the adjuster, which can help expedite the claims process.


Be Clear and Assertive in Your Communication

It’s crucial to express your concerns and expectations to the insurance adjuster while talking about your claim in a direct and firm manner. Describe the occurrence, the losses or injuries you sustained, and how they affected your life. Tell them exactly what you want in terms of repairs or compensation. However, it is imperative to keep a respectful demeanor and refrain from making irrational threats or using foul language. A polished presentation of your argument will increase the likelihood of success.

Keep a Record of Interactions

Throughout the claims process, it is essential to maintain a detailed record of all interactions with the insurance adjuster. Note down the dates, times, and summaries of your conversations, including any promises or agreements made. This documentation can serve as valuable evidence in case of any disputes or misunderstandings that may arise later. Additionally, keep copies of all written correspondence, such as emails or letters, for your records.

Seek Professional Advice if Needed

If you feel overwhelmed, confused, or believe that you are not being treated fairly, it may be beneficial to seek professional advice. Consult with an attorney who specializes in insurance claims or consider contacting a consumer protection agency in your jurisdiction. These professionals can provide guidance on your rights, help you understand the claims process, and assist you in navigating any complex legal aspects of your claim.

An experienced personal injury attorney is best equipped and in the best position to understand how to deal with an insurance adjuster and can handle all communications on your behalf regarding the incident.

When the adjuster knows that you have hired an attorney to take over your case, they could avoid going to court because they may eventually lose the case, and this lead to the offer of a more reasonable settlement. An attorney is more likely to work and get you the compensation you deserve.

They know how to review your claim and make detailed demands that are most likely going to fetch a positive response from the insurance company.


Although it is natural to feel frustrated when dealing with insurance claims, it is important to take a professional and respectful approach to the situation. Establishing a positive relationship with the insurance adjuster can help fast-track the claims process and increase your chances of a fair resolution. By remaining calm, presenting evidence, understanding your policy, being prepared, communicating effectively, keeping records, and seeking professional advice if needed, you can navigate the claims process more efficiently and effectively.


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